First things first!
I am so excited for this girl! Her name is Celeste Lee. She has been my best friend for 15 years. I love her to death and I am so incandescently happy right now because of some information that I received from her about two hours ago. She is only going to be Celeste Lee for two more moths. On April 12, 2011 in the Draper, UT temple she will become married for all time and eternity to this man.......

Tyler Goodrich
I about screamed my head off when I got her text! aaaahhhhh!!! I am still so excited! I wish I was with her right now so I could jump up and down in excitement.
Now on to the rest of the post.
Well I don't know about you but I sure have had some awesome weekends!
I went to Dance in Concert. This was the show that Contemporary Dance Theater (CDT formally known as Dancer's Company) put on. I had a couple numbers that I wanted to mention.

Barefootin'. Just a fun dance that celebrated dance as dance and the fun that comes with moving your body.
Prey. This piece was restaged by Kate Monson. She is a good friend of Nesha Woodhouse who is the Artistic Director at Lifehouse Performing Arts Academy. Kate is the co-director for CDT. She has done Prey before. Prey was choreographed by 4 time Bessie Award winner (kind of a big deal if you didn't know that) Bebe Miller. She came to BYU and cleaned it and told them what it was about. The dance started out with my friend Evan making a cawing noise. Then everyone else joined in. Finally it stopped and the piece kept going. It sounds kind of crazy but it was the most life changing and stunning piece I have seen in a while. The piece was about how people are just like animals. Through the eyes of some the business world is very animal like. Sometimes we are the ones being hunted and closed down and other times we are the ones doing the hunting and pushing others down. People just sit and watch and don't do anything about these things in our world going on. The most powerful part in the piece for me was when a girl named Courtney climbed on top of Brandon Roach. She started just slowly pushing him down and after a time she had pushed him down totally to the ground. He had a look on his face during that time that just read help me but those that were on the stage were just sitting or standing around looking right at what was going on. This piece was stunning.
Empty Chairs. The number was about a family that had a child go in the different direction then they had raised her to be. The dance had chairs being used during the whole dance and it represented something different each time someone would touch it, sit on it, stand on it or anything like that. There is a trio part in the dance where three girls dressed all in white are going around and two of them are trying to get the third one to cooperate. You could feel the frustration of one of the girls (mother figure) and the comfort from another as she was helping the frustrated dancer (mother figure) cope. You could feel the hope at the end when they all came together. It was beautiful and powerful.

On Saturday I went to rehearsal at 10:00 for my percussive footwork concert coming up. After rehearsal I went home and got ready for a photo shoot I was helping with. I was a model with my friends Anna Finneran and Kendra Smith for Nichole Van (she was my young womens advisor once upon a time). We had a blast so much! Here is a picture of me.... it was so freaking cold and crazy enough this was a test shot.
This last week I got a letter from Joseph Mohrman. I think I have read it at least a dozen or two times already. I miss him so much! Anyways -When I opened up the envelope I pulled out this.....
What a fun card right? haha I like it. When I opened up the card there was nothing written in it. But that is okay because I got a letter instead so I was happy. I very much intend to keep this card.
For Christmas I got this book from a good friend of mine. It is so.... well.... awesome. It is a book that has all of the little things in life that make living so great! I needed this book. It has brought back my happiness that I had lost for a time. I recommend looking at the site... it will make your day so much better.

This is my food cupboard. Deanna made the pictures. Our kitchen is decked out in these. I love it so much! I am Clarkceratops in the apartment. Don't ask. It is a very long story. We love dinosaurs in our apartment because of a skit that Divine Comedy did back in September. It was about random callings that people would get. Dinosaur and Dinosaur Hunter were two of them. That should explain some of it.

For Tiffany's (my roommate) birthday we made her a cake! Because of the whole dinosaur thing we made her the dinosaur and Deanna and I (her roommates) along with two of our friends are the stick figures. I know how to make fondant now. I think it tastes good but no one else really does.
This is a picture of the HBLL. I probably should spend a lot more time in that building than I do. But nonetheless -great building.
It has been so cold lately! Oh my goodness! This is a picture of Tiffany and I coming out of our PS 100 lab (Physical Science). We were freezing.
BYU Men's Volleyball
Mr. Hottie is number 13... Robbie Stowell
We played UCLA last night and tonight and we won both nights!! BAM BABY!!! I love Volleyball oh so much. It was so hot to watch.

Well, that's my post. I am so excited about life! It is... AWESOME!