About Our Family

Lanham Family Est. May 7, 2013

THE WIFE- Kaitlin Lanham
Hometown: Elk Ridge, Utah
Age: 22
Family: 10th of 11 children and 2 wonderful and loving parents
School: BYU, Dance Performance, Emphasis in World Dance
Loves: The Husband, reading, movies, mexican food, good weather, skinny jeans, long dresses, hats, frozen yogurt, pie, dancing and watching dancing, all things disney, family, clothes, shoes, okay fashion in general, having fun, sports (GO COLTS!) and cooking/baking

THE HUSBAND- Chad Lanham
Hometown: Hamburg, New York
Age: 22
Family: 2nd of 3, or the middle child, and 2 awesome and compassionate parents
School: BYU, Social Sciences Teaching, English Teaching Minor
Loves: The Wife, politics, food aka eating food, movies, family, sleeping, sweaters (fall fashion), ties, sports (GO BILLS!), the color yellow, pizza, beans and rice like on the mission, Brasil, Chinese food, Italian food, bike rides, swimming, and brownie sundaes

Welcoming Miss Kathrynne Anne Lanham 

Arrived June 24, 2014

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