May 7, 2014

One Year

One year. A lot can happen in a year and a lot can change. One year seems like such a long time some times. Usually this kind of a post would come out in January, however today is a day that I will always look back to a year ago and see where Chad and I have ended up. 
You see those clouds? They left, then came back... and so on.

So where have we ended up? More in love than the day we got married and sealed in the Provo, Utah temple. Can you believe it has been a whole year? 

Chad and I have a song and it was the song we danced our first dance together to. It is "You and I" by Michael Bublé. There are a couple of phrases that strike me and each one has been shown to be right on with our relationship. 

1: "God has made us fall in love, it's true."
For those that know how Chad and I actually came to fall in love know that I didn't fall in love with just anyone. I could have fallen for someone else and would have been just as happy, but God had a special plan for Chad and I. This plan started before we even met. 

I had debated to go to USU due to a scholarship I had received there and Chad had gotten a scholarship to swim at a near by university in New York. In the end we decided to go to BYU. We met at New Student Orientation and became extremely good friends. We never went on a date but there were some feelings below the surface for each of us that whole year. There was something different about Chad and I was able to see a bit into what it was when he asked me to drive him to get his Patriarchal Blessing. I took work off because it was December and I didn't want him to walk as far as it was (it was quite a bit above the temple) and he wasn't able to find a ride with our other friend Erik. We were the two that had cars that he really knew and it was no problem for me to take him. That was a special experience for us and we think about it often. 

He got his mission call and then went home for the summer. I was here in Provo and was going through a lot but Chad was there. He helped me grow and allowed me to talk freely. I didn't feel judged at all when I talked with him. When he was a month away from his mission we started talking a lot more. Feelings came out from both of us but I continued to date while he was gone.  It was a crazy year for me while he was gone and both of us really grew. We stayed in contact and when I got a no to go on a mission and he ended up coming home it was like God knew where we needed to be. God knew that if He said yes to me about serving a mission I wouldn't see Chad how I needed to. I would be too preoccupied to go on a mission than to get married and marriage is what was right for us. 

God allowed us to grow our relationship in a way that we needed. It was different. I was able to connect with a guy with out cuddling, holding hands, and a kiss. Our long distance relationship was everything to me because we came out on top and were able to communicate with one another easily. That was so important to me and was huge example as well as sign that Chad was who I needed to marry. God has been such an important part of our relationship. I owe my marriage and happiness to the Lord, because with out His guidance I would not be where I am today. 

2: "In my mind, we can conquer the world, in love, you and I." 
I feel like this goes for anyone. With Chad we have overcome a lot in our first year of marriage. Obviously not as much as some couples go through (especially with time), but we have gone through challenges much like many couples do. However, no matter what we go through our love is what brings us back to a solid foundation. With school, starting a family, any doubts or questions we have, and so many other things, we cling on to our love for one another to get through it all. 

3: "I've found my strength in you."
Oh my goodness. I feel like this line is meant for me. There are so many times that I break down and crumble to feel like nothing just to be picked back up by Chad. My outlook on life and point of view of myself has been strengthened by this guy. I can go to him at any time and come away feeling stronger. He has been a huge help during the past seven and a half months of pregnancy. I don't know what I would be without him. 
Today reminds me of our wedding day. I think mostly because of the rain. haha :) I remember honestly telling Chad that it had better pour because we were doing the reception inside the church instead of outside at a members beautiful house. I wanted to feel justified in that.... and I totally was. Just before the reception it POURED! It was awesome. And actually lead for some pretty shots for chad and I with the blossoms all glistening. 

One of my favorite shots from our wedding. It is like a scene right from a movie.
So what has happened the past year?
Erik's Homecoming

MAY 2013
We got married
Moved into our place at Wymount
Started our lives together
Went to our friend Erik Ward's homecoming!

To the Sacred Grove!
JUNE 2013
Reception in New York
Church history sites adventures
Fun in the sun with our Pass of All Passes (which we haven't used a ton....)

JULY 2013
Visited Grandma in Grand Junction, CO
Kaitlin got her wisdom teeth out
Decision to move out of Wymount finalized

At LeVell Edwards Stadium
We moved into our current place
Got ready for a new school year

School started
FOOTBALL SEASON! Ah man, we love football season, even though it rains and ruins phones and can be freezing, it is a blast!

The new picture... Aren't we just beautiful? 
We found out we were expecting!
Homecoming Spectacular performance with a recreation shot with Kayla and Emily (from our freshman year) and a new shot to close our experiences at BYU.

Thanksgiving with the Clark's
Kaitlin's 22nd birthday

Semester Ended
Christmas with the Lanham's in CO
Chad met Adrianne and her family for the first time
First real train ride for Kaitlin
Rung in the new year with the Rogler's/Pickett's (Kayla and Evan with family on both of their sides)

My clothes, her clothes
We found out we are having a girl!
New semester started

Morgan came to visit from NY 
We got our
first (real) table. (We loved the one we had from Gillian and Kevin but we needed something easier with a child on the way and we got it at a steal of a deal at Ikea)
Kaitlin had 1 hour glucose test
28 weeks along... after the RH shot
We celebrated Mia's 2nd birthday with Gillian and Kevin, family and friends

MARCH 2014
Mostly baby stuff happened this month....
Kaitlin has her 3 hour glucose test.... passed with flying colors
Kaitlin suffered the RH shot at 28 weeks.

APRIL 2014
Chad's 22nd Birthday!
Had two ultrasounds to make sure Baby K's kidney's were going to be okay
Saw PAC perform at the Covey Center
Enjoyed Conference
Semester Ended
Bridal showers
Wedding receptions
Baby shower
Chad started working full time

It has been a busy year, that's for sure. It has been a year that we will always cherish. 
We have plans for the future of course and this coming year will bring some super great things, but we mostly know about the summer.... 
We get to welcome our first child into our family in six weeks (around).
We get to see Chad's family a lot this summer. YAY!
Lindsey, Dave, and Adrianne (my siblings) are all going to be out here this summer! YAY!
Over all we get a lot of family time this summer and couldn't be happier about that.

Unfortunately there is something super sad happening this summer for me. I have to say goodbye to my best friend Kayla. I don't know when I will see her again after they move. Evan got accepted to St. George's University for medical school in Grenada, West Indies which is awesome for them! I'm super happy for them, but it will be hard not having her here. Kayla has been the best friend I have ever had. However, I know that we will see each other again someday and will keep in contact often. I don't have a doubt about that. 

We are not expecting to move until Chad is done with school and finds a teaching job. We also are not planning on having another child before that time, mostly because we really can't fit two children in that one tiny room. Our next step would be to go to a place kind of like a town house. We are not looking to own a home for some time but would be wanting to go somewhere that would be a transition from an apartment to a house. Eventually we would get to a house but we don't want to do it right out of school and I don't think we would need to. 

Our future has a lot to behold and we say, BRING IT ON! 

I have been the happiest this past year because I have had the most magnificent man to share my life with. Thanks sweetie. I love you.

All my love to this man.
Here's to many years to come!