Nov 14, 2013

June 19

Grand news from our family to you! Chad and I are expecting! I am due June 19, 2014! I am 9 weeks along, as of today, and so far I haven't been too sick. Hopefully it stays that way.

I have good genetics on my side though... right? My mother wasn't very sick with any of us, and I have two sisters who were like that too. Unfortunately, I have two sisters that were sick all nine months for each of their children. Aside from that it has been every other sister, good pregnancy, bad, good, bad.... then me! So that means good vibes right?

I haven't thrown up yet which is fantastic, but I have had some queasiness and have missed a few classes or work just a bit. Chad is so excited to be a Dad and he will be a wonderful one too.

Baby this week:
9 weeks
1.5 inches long (size of a Prune)
Heart might be able to be heard with Doppler

Mommy this week:
Doctors appointment to take all the prenatal tests
I pee all the time so I don't sleep
Headaches are common
Pelvis/Tail bone hurts all the time
Nose like a hound dog 
Food Aversions: Sweets like cookies and chocolate or peanut butter... mostly Recess Peanut Butter Cups
Food Cravings: Fresh Food! Meat aka steak, Sandwiches of any kind, fruit and veggies (apples and broccoli mostly)

Here is to a wonderful week of the last signs of Autumn (most likely)! I welcome the snow. 

1 comment:

The Duke said...

I'm so glad you haven't been too sick. If your tailbone hurts right now, already, just wait. But maybe you will breeze through this thing with minimal discomfort. I sure hope so! We are excited for both of you. You will be a cute mommy and Chad will be a great daddy.