Dec 31, 2014


There were some amazing things that happened this year. Some months were much more eventful than others (aka... March was pretty darn boring while June through August were more packed with a lot of fun). I picked one thing from each month. They don't necessarily adequately represent each month but they were things that stuck out in my mind. 

January: Found out we were having a girl!
February: Saw Swan Lake performed by BYU Theater Ballet
March: Put Kathrynne's crib up in her room
April: Celebrated Chad's 22nd birthday
May: Celebrated our one year anniversary
June: Welcomed Kathrynne Anne into our lives
July: Said goodbye to our friends Kayla and Evan as they left Utah
August: Blessed our daughter
September: Went to Chalk the Block at the Riverwoods
October: Welcomed in Theodore Gregory Killen (Chad's cousin Sarah's baby boy) into the world
November: Celebrated my 23rd birthday
December: Had Kathrynne's first Christmas

Our year was full of fun times with Kathrynne. Our lives have almost completely revolved around her and to tell you the truth I am happy that it has. I cannot wait for the year 2015. We are getting so close to the end of schooling and renting this apartment! One more year (maybe... most likely) and we will be full fledged adults! haha :) 

From our family to yours, we hope you have had a wonderful year and hope all the best for the coming one.

The Lanham Family

1 comment:

The Duke said...

A lot has happened in your family in one short year! Time seems to fly by more quickly every day. Treasure the moments because they really are fleeting.
Kathrynne is one beautiful little girl!