Nichole (name change as an obvious sign), I want to shake her and just say, "WAKE UP! You know better than this! You were raised correctly, not like this. Get back to church on a weekly basis! Stop letting your boyfriend go into your room and stop going into his! It isn't right. You know that. Where is the girl I knew during the summer? Because you aren't that girl anymore. You can do better than him and he can do better than you." I am so happy that I have the honor code at BYU because it helps me to continue living how I have been taught. I am happy to know however that I don't need it. My parents have taught me well and they have helped me get the desire to live righteously. I don't know if I should even continue being this girls friend because she has dumped me for this guy... whatever happened to sisters before misters??
Sometimes we just have to back off and let people make decisions when we would like to make it for them.
Unfortunately, the wrong decisions in this case could lead to great sorrow but you also have to believe in the atonement and know that people can repent and change.
You must not police people into behaving how they should - you cannot nor should not force them. the Savior never forces us to choose Him. Like Joseph Smith taught, "I teach them correct principles and let them govern themselves."
You need to follow that. You need to give this friend space while whlie she finds out who she is and what she believes.
I agree with mom. This girlfriend is going to need you when she comes around. She needs to know there are good girls/friends out there who will still love her unconditionally. When she makes a mistake, she'll have to go through the repentance process and will need a friend to be there to help lift her up and show her the good example and the right/peaceful way of living. We all make stupid mistakes...even when our parents teach us correct principles. It's a learning process and some of us are slower learners. :) You don't have to agree with her or support her in this bad choice, but be there when she needs to be lifted up.
I have a friend that I went to Ricks College with and was roommates with,and today she leads a very different life than before. She drinks all the time and lives with her boyfriend. I don't understand her choices, but I'm trying to just be her friend. I hope one day she sees what she is doing and makes some changes for the better, but it breaks my heart to hear about things she is doing.
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