May 30, 2013

My new name

Well I am now officially Kaitlin Clark Lanham!

Yeah, I know what you are thinking, "You have been for almost a month now." True but not legally. Like none of my documents said it other than the marriage license.

So..... Getting my new Social Security card with my new name on it and changing my name and address on my license is kinda a big deal. I am now known as Kaitlin Lanham and how amazing that is. Now I just have to go through BYU... great. I have heard that is annoying.

Getting married and taking the new name of Lanham makes me think back to my Freshman year of college when I was a Relief Society instructor for my ward. One of the lessons I taught was on the sacrament and something I remember talking about was renewing our baptismal covenants. One of those covenants being that we take the name of Jesus Christ upon us.

That has stuck with me through the past three years. I think about more readily on how my words and actions are a reflection on the name I have.

Sure me "saying" to a guy in a green BYU IT truck that doesn't stop, "Nice stop, (and then a name, something harmless like dummy)," may reflect on my name Kaitlin Lanham but how well does that reflect on my other name? ps... that may or may not have actually happened tonight as we were crossing the cross walk from Brick Oven. I was not happy. 

What other name? The one I took upon me at the age of 8 on November 27, 1999. The name of Jesus Christ that I want to be worthy of.

I want to be a good example of my new name and the name I reflect back to on Sunday's during the sacrament. I should be reflecting more on it during the week (like when crossing cross walks) than I do but come on....

Nobody's Perfect.

I'm out.
Kaitlin Lanham

I don't think I will ever be tired of that.

1 comment:

The Duke said...

As I read this I thought, "Gee, I wish the kids would have grown up with the idea of being a Clark and that it means something, too." But then I realized that most of you did. And you all carry that name and have made us happy with how you have honored it.
Glad you have a new name and a new husband.