I am a bit of a crazy person when it comes to cleaning or organizing. Now that doesn't mean that I am the cleanest person in the world. Heaven knows that isn't true. Let's just say that I cannot wait until I get a dishwasher so I don't have to do nearly as many dishes by hand as I do now. I don't want to slave over the dishes anymore. Just because I am not a clean freak doesn't mean that I don't mean I can't get a bit psycho when I start cleaning. On Saturday I came home to Chad starting to clean out our piano/storage room. I was a bit annoyed at first because I hoped he would clean the living room and kitchen but at the same time, it needed to be done and it had been put off for months. I went in and started to help him out. We put things in trash, broke down boxes for recycling, made a DI trip, went through books and put them on a bookcase that we got about two months ago, and I went a bit crazy organizing some other things that needed to be done.
I went through all of my Christmas decorations and put them in an organized large bin that had held books (we went from two huge bins to one after filling the bookcase). I was able to empty another bin that was pretty regular sized by my standards. Now I was already in cleaning mode that I quickly went into crazy mode! I took all of my gift bags, tissue paper, tags, washi tape, and ribbons and organized every single bit of it. I rolled the ribbons, folded tissue paper, ect. I was in there for quite some time. I must have looked like a crazy woman doing all of this but I was actually having fun! And now, I know where everything is as a plus!
I was talking with my mom about how I get crazy about stuff like that. She laughed at first about this stuff but after a few seconds she realized I was right. All growing up I was a pain in the butt about cleaning. The only exception was the bathroom. For some insane reason I loved cleaning the bathroom. I was nit picky about it and cleaned every little corner of those rooms. I'm weird, I know.
I have used that talent/obsession to my advantage in the past. When cleaning checks came I was crazy and never had to re-clean anything. I was not the cleanest on average but I cleaned the best! I made up for all the messes I made on the average day. :D
Well, this is an odd post. But, now you know just a bit more about me and my crazy ways.
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