Jun 9, 2014


Today Chad and I received a package from Grandmama and Granddad. It was a cute little knitted (crochet? I don't really know the difference between the two) beanie and jacket. There was a card that came with it and there was something that hit me hard.

Grandmama had written that when we first hold Kathrynne we will marvel at the wonderful being that we and our Heavenly Father have created.

Sitting here now it is hitting me all over again. For some reason it never really occurred to me that creating this little girl was between three, not just two. No one is created by just two beings. Just like our Savior Jesus Christ, we all have earthy parents. However how many times have we stopped to really and truly see the connection we have with our Father in Heaven?

We talk of how Christ was conceived of by the spirit, but aren't we all in a way? We all have a spirit inside of us that lives on, longer than our mortal bodies. It was created first. It was created by our Heavenly Father. We are his children. When we bring a new life into this world, we are also bringing a child of our Heavenly Father's. We are bringing a spirit into this world. One we did not create, one the Father created.

We learn to understand that we are children, literal sons and daughters, of God at a young age. Chad and I have talked about how we can truly help our children understand this. We both knew the song and the saying and said it, but did we truly know it? We do, now. We told each other how we gained that testimony of being a child of God. Neither one of us had a really firm testimony until we were in our teenage years (earlier or later it doesn't matter). Once we understood that powerful concept we gained so much strength. You can pray and talk to the Lord, but once that father/daughter, father/son connection has been made in a deeper sense than just the saying, "I am a child of God" that is when we really start to bloom.

Now imagine what it would be like if we were able to help those youth in the church make that connection sooner? I don't know how yet, but I want to help my children understand this.

I know I am a literal daughter of my Heavenly Father,  yet somehow it didn't occur to me that so is my daughter that has yet to be born. It wasn't just Chad and I that created her. It isn't just the two of us being her parents. She has a higher set of parents than us, a set that we have in common. A set we will work with to help her learn, grow, and return with great honor.

What a humbling thought as a mother, to understand that you created something magnificent with the Father. That is something I never want to forget.

Create by Dieter F. Uchtdorf

1 comment:

The Duke said...

I think the closest I've ever felt to Heaven was always as that baby came into the world - I realized that I was brushing against Heaven in the truest sense of the world. As the baby was leaving one sphere and entering this one, I experienced that exhilaration of creation. (Yes, it was exhilaration that it was over, too, in the physical sense, but that touch of Heaven was wonderous to me.) You will find out very shortly.