Wow. I haven't posted for a really long time. I didn't really think that it had been that long. There is one good thing about that though, I have quite a bit to tell you.
So I guess the first thing would be to tell about my birthday. I turned 16 on November 24. I had a small party. It was loads of fun. A week after was my friend Stacey's 16 birthday.
My school choir puts on a concert called the Holiday Dinner. It goes on for three days but has four performances. One on Thursday, Friday and then two on Saturday, one was a matinee and the other was a night performance like the other nights. It was on December 6, 7, and 8. The Tuesday before, December 4, was our dress rehearsal. It was a disaster. It's pretty much set in stone that if you have a bad dress rehearsal you have a good performance. That is what happened for us. Thursday came and Mr. Lunt was worried along with the rest of us. We did really really good for an opening night. As the performances went on they kept getting better and better. Saturday came and I was really sad because I didn't want it to end. It was my first and most likely my last Holiday Dinner. I had never been to one before this so it was an amazing experience. I was a dancer in one of the numbers for A Capella. They are mostly Juniors. (Most of my friends are Juniors.) The song was called Veni, Veni or O Come, O Come Emanuel. There were five of us in the dance. Me, Jocelyn Waite, Elise Williams, Ali Gordan, and Whitney Dixion. I was the only Sophmore, and Jocelyn was the only Jr. The others were Seniors. Elise choreographed it. Before every show we would say a prayer as a group. We didn't have time to say one on the matinee so we just said one of our own. We did really really good. But that night was even better. Elise asked me to say the prayer before. I pretty much just said that we were so thankful for the opportunity to be dancing and to have had Elise take the time to choreograph it. I then asked if we could get the message that we were trying to tell people across. The message was simply this. Heavenly Father doesn't really send angels from heaven to help us through our trials. He usually just has people that we come in contact with help. He sends revalation to our parents, our bishop ect. to help us get through it. That's what we wanted to say. When I was done we were all crying. We didn't want it to be the last time that we perfromed it. (It wasn't by the way we did it for the school on the 19.) We then went out and did the best we could do. It was the best one ever. When we finished dancing and went of stage we were expecting the audience to clap right when the music stopped. But there was just silence and darkness as A Capella started to exit the stage and the lights dimmed. We were all crying backstage as we knew that the message had been felt. When the audience doesn't clap, wow that is just an amazing compliment. Mr. Lunt was in awe when it happened. The last two songs were just so hard to get through. They were songs with the manger scene. We used a real baby too so it made it even more spiritual. There wasn't a dry eye in the entire choir. I wasn't really paying attention to the audience so I wasn't sure if they were crying.
The eighth was over all just an amazing day. I learned that the guy I liked, his name is Tyler Nicosia, liked me too. I'm not so sure right now. I am just really confused.
I went on my first date with Tyler on December 15. It was a girls choice dance. It was semi formal. My dress was kind of a baby blue. It was a way fun date.
That pretty much is it. Crazy huh?
Well have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Dec 21, 2007
Nov 3, 2007
Nov 1, 2007
Updates for yesterday and today
Halloween was a bust! I couldn't find a costume to wear that night or at school. So I had absolutely no fun. Gillian had to get surgery. She got her Gaul Bladder talken out. I had to man the door and take care of Ammon at the same time. My friends came over to trick-or-treat. It was a horrible night.
Today I had to go to the dentist's and get my cavities filled. Half of my face was numb. When I got back to school, it was third period. I had German (it's an A-day) and all of my friends in the class were making fun of me. They kept making me laugh and smile when I couldn't really show emotion on that side of my face. Samae said that I looked funny. Yeah well that really helped. I started to laugh way hard. It took me about five minutes to stop.
My dance studio is putting on The Nutcracker. I saw the costumes today. I was going to be in it but because of my feet I had to quit. I had a really good part too. I saw the dances that my friends are in.They are amazing! The costumes for the show are way adorable. I wish I could be in it let alone go to it. I have a concert that night but Nesha my dance director said that they were going to record it and make it a dvd. Today was a pretty good day over all.
Today I had to go to the dentist's and get my cavities filled. Half of my face was numb. When I got back to school, it was third period. I had German (it's an A-day) and all of my friends in the class were making fun of me. They kept making me laugh and smile when I couldn't really show emotion on that side of my face. Samae said that I looked funny. Yeah well that really helped. I started to laugh way hard. It took me about five minutes to stop.
My dance studio is putting on The Nutcracker. I saw the costumes today. I was going to be in it but because of my feet I had to quit. I had a really good part too. I saw the dances that my friends are in.They are amazing! The costumes for the show are way adorable. I wish I could be in it let alone go to it. I have a concert that night but Nesha my dance director said that they were going to record it and make it a dvd. Today was a pretty good day over all.
Sep 29, 2007
Well I was reading Nancy and Lance's blog today and I read this post called Tag. I ended up getting tagged.
Four Jobs I've had:
1. Babysitting neighbor kids
2. Taking care of Ammon
3. um well since I'm only 15 years old...
Four places I've lived:
1. Elk Ridge, Utah (currently)
2. Spanish Fork, Utah
3. Benjamin, Utah
4.Walton, Indiana (The big yellow house!)
Four favorite T.V. shows:
1. Avitar heehee I get bored... very easily...
2. America's Next Top Model
3. Hannah Montana
4. Kyle XY
Four favorite foods:
1. Enchiladas
2. Pizza
3. Anything breakfast (minus bacon)
4. Gum... it keeps me sane and my fingernails don't suffer when I have it.
Four Websites I Visit:
4. heehee yeah I know I rock
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Asleep
2. In Premier (my choir class)
3. Europe
4. Hanging out with my friends
Four Movies I Love:
1. Pride and Prejudice
2.Step up
3. Happy
4. Cars
Four People I Tag:
1. Zac
2. Gillian
3. Kari
4. Anyone reading this
Four Jobs I've had:
1. Babysitting neighbor kids
2. Taking care of Ammon
3. um well since I'm only 15 years old...
Four places I've lived:
1. Elk Ridge, Utah (currently)
2. Spanish Fork, Utah
3. Benjamin, Utah
4.Walton, Indiana (The big yellow house!)
Four favorite T.V. shows:
1. Avitar heehee I get bored... very easily...
2. America's Next Top Model
3. Hannah Montana
4. Kyle XY
Four favorite foods:
1. Enchiladas
2. Pizza
3. Anything breakfast (minus bacon)
4. Gum... it keeps me sane and my fingernails don't suffer when I have it.
Four Websites I Visit:
4. heehee yeah I know I rock
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Asleep
2. In Premier (my choir class)
3. Europe
4. Hanging out with my friends
Four Movies I Love:
1. Pride and Prejudice
2.Step up
3. Happy
4. Cars
Four People I Tag:
1. Zac
2. Gillian
3. Kari
4. Anyone reading this
Sep 27, 2007
I had to get surgery this last Thursday(Sept. 20, 07) so that's the main reason why I haven't done any posts lately.
I had a concert Tuesday but of course because of my surgery I couldn't be in it. I just had to be in the audience. It was a pretty good concert. It was the community variety show so it had the school choirs and then other people from the community performing.
My feet look pretty nasty. I look like a duck when I walk. That was actually the first thing that my mom said to me when I came out of the general anesthesia. Anyways well it's getting late so I'll be going. Love ya tons!
I had a concert Tuesday but of course because of my surgery I couldn't be in it. I just had to be in the audience. It was a pretty good concert. It was the community variety show so it had the school choirs and then other people from the community performing.
My feet look pretty nasty. I look like a duck when I walk. That was actually the first thing that my mom said to me when I came out of the general anesthesia. Anyways well it's getting late so I'll be going. Love ya tons!
Aug 20, 2007
School starts tomorrow! I'm so excited! David comes home on thursday!!! I'm even more excited for this than school but still!!!
Aug 11, 2007
Choir, Girls camp and more
So this last week has been so hectic! I had my choir retreat and we learned all but one of our numbers. We only did the dancing not the singing. It was so fun but so straining on my body. I am still so sore. I don't really know what to do. It hurts to walk up the stairs sometimes. It's so funny but it is also so sad. Girls camp is comming up next week and I will be sleeping like the whole entire time. I'm so so excited for school to start! I can't believe that I am going to be in High school. Well I have to go! bye
~katy-did :)
~katy-did :)
Jul 26, 2007
Okay so this last saturday I hung out with Kari and Zac and some of her other friends. I got to know them pretty well. We made a movie of just random stuff and it was so funny. I can't wait to see it. Zac was a baby in one of the parts and Tanner Snow was the mom. It was so funny and I thought I was going to pee my pants because I was laughing so hard. Then Kari pretended to be dead. It was just funny.
Jul 11, 2007
Jun 29, 2007
Time to Party!
Today is the stake dance and I am so excited! It's a costume dance. It has a theme... the best one too!!! 80'S!!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT!!! Yeah well I need to get things around the house ready and wake up Gillian so I'll talk to you later!
katy-did :)
katy-did :)
Jun 25, 2007
Exciting News!!!
I have amazing news!!!
I GOT MY LEARNERS PERMIT TODAY!!! The only set back is that I can only get my lisence until Christmas! Sad huh? But I am still so excited!
I GOT MY LEARNERS PERMIT TODAY!!! The only set back is that I can only get my lisence until Christmas! Sad huh? But I am still so excited!
Jun 18, 2007
Dance Recital
My dance recital was on Friday and it was a huge success! I was really pleased with myself for keeping my energy up the whole entire time. I did get hurt though. I am pretty sure that I jammed my right hip. It kills so bad. Pictures of the all nighter that my dance company has every year and also pictures of after the recital are below.... they are so funny...

Gillian and I. You know last year we were wearing the exact same colors. Weird huh?
We watched the recital and ate a lot of food. Then we stayed up for ever! Yeah but the bad thing is... there aren't a whole lot of pictures I can really put on here... long story...

Amanda Tipton trying to steal the spotlight while me and Chelsey Salcido are taking a picture.
Amanda Tipton and Gillian.
Gillian, Nichole Dunaway, Chelsey Salcido, Sierra Pope, and with her head down Larissa Salcido.
Me and Andraya Salcido. We always make crazy faces...

Yeah we know... we are very weird...

Can you tell which feet are mine?
Well that's pretty much all I can put on here. Enjoy.
Jun 9, 2007
Jun 3, 2007
My friend Daniel is moving to Tennessee and I am going to miss him so much. We had a party for him last night. It was way fun but it was also sad at the same time. I don't really know what else to say... so bye
katy did
katy did
May 28, 2007
May 18, 2007
Apr 30, 2007
Growing apart through temptations...
Okay so I have been having some friend troubles lately. Someone I know.... I can't exactly call a friend any more... has been doing thigs that I don't really want to get into. She just doesn't get it and is making me feel semi-bad about it. I talked to my old seminary teacher (Brother Beckert) and he gave me this analogy:
Your friend is in quick sand. Now you don't want to just jump right on in head first and get caught in the process. So what you do is you reach out a helping hand while keeping yourself steady at the same time.
I loved that and it helped a lot. I also fasted yesterday about it and pretty much got the same answer. I know that I can't be very close to her anymore, but what I do know that I need to help her by not completely excluding her out of my life. This has probably been one of the hardest things for me to do because we were friends for quite a while. In the sixth grade the only people I really knew were those who were in my elementary school that I was pretty good friends with then. Of course that was only about three to four people. I then meet the friend who I have been talking about through this whole post. We became friends instantly. Nothing tore us apart really until this whole shindig thing happened. It's sad to see a close friend get entangled into those kind of temptations when none of her other friends at school did that sort of stuff. I know that this will be hard to do but I know that we both will probably make the choices that will better our lives through this.
Your friend is in quick sand. Now you don't want to just jump right on in head first and get caught in the process. So what you do is you reach out a helping hand while keeping yourself steady at the same time.
I loved that and it helped a lot. I also fasted yesterday about it and pretty much got the same answer. I know that I can't be very close to her anymore, but what I do know that I need to help her by not completely excluding her out of my life. This has probably been one of the hardest things for me to do because we were friends for quite a while. In the sixth grade the only people I really knew were those who were in my elementary school that I was pretty good friends with then. Of course that was only about three to four people. I then meet the friend who I have been talking about through this whole post. We became friends instantly. Nothing tore us apart really until this whole shindig thing happened. It's sad to see a close friend get entangled into those kind of temptations when none of her other friends at school did that sort of stuff. I know that this will be hard to do but I know that we both will probably make the choices that will better our lives through this.
Apr 18, 2007
Apr 2, 2007
Expirement Failed...
Okay so yesterday didn't work but i found something jsut as good. I hope you like the dance. It's not the best reselution but it's still good.
Katy Bug!
Katy Bug!
Apr 1, 2007
Just As An Expiriment...
Hey I am going to try something out... with the help of Jess I am going to try to put my Show Choir Solo on here. I hope it works.
Katy Bug!
Katy Bug!
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