Nov 22, 2010

Plans, Dreams and Goals

I have a lot planned for this week! Actually for the rest of the semester in reality. :)

First up is driving down to Snow College tonight and then back to Elk Ridge tomorrow afternoon. I am watching the weather don't worry. The storm isn't supposed to hit the Nephi area until like 7 pm on Tuesday. It is clear for the rest of today and through the night. I am staying the night at Lexi Brown's apartment and we are going to party hardy all night long and then come back up in my car.

Next on the agenda is having a good birthday on Wednesday. I can't believe that I am going to be 19 years old. That just seems so weird to me. I don't know why but it is. After last year, I want to have a birthday that I won't forget! 19 feels like a big deal for some reason.

Thanksgiving! I am planing on it.

Friday is going to be a night with Celeste Lee, Christy Pray, and possibly Celeste's boyfriend Tyler. Christy asked Celeste and I to be her bridesmaids for her wedding and we are super excited. We are going to talk about her reception and catch up on each others lives and what not! I am longing for this night to come.

Saturday will be another girls night. This one will be two other friends of mine Ashley Smith, and Lindsay Fulton! We are wanting to get together because we miss each other very much. I love these two girls and can't wait to see them!

December plans and goals are to finish my FIRST SEMESTER OF COLLEGE!! Yahoo! That seems so crazy to me at this moment that I will be that much closer to getting my degree. Yeah I know I have like four to five more years here but I am taking it bit by bit and so far, so good.

Long term goals are things like getting my degree from BYU. I plan to make the Dance Education Major turn from a 5 year program to 4 or 4 1/2 years. I plan to take Spring and Summer classes to do my generals that way really. Another goal- find a rocking apartment that I love for the Spring/Summer terms to see if I want to live there for the Fall. I have a couple that are on my list so far and can't wait to keep looking and what not.

Getting married and raising a family. No not just married, but married to someone worthy of his priesthood. He will want to take me to the temple and start a family with me. That is my ultimate goal. I know that getting my degree is on the high priority list at the moment and that is okay with me. I don't want to get married super early. I want to get married to the right man who will treat me with respect and treat my children with respect as well.

Become a dance teacher. I am pretty much there on this one. I got a job at my old dance studio and I am loving every minute of it so far.

Last but not least- be financially stable for my whole life. I need to be better at managing my money. I am doing a pretty dang good job in my opinion but there is always room for improvement. It can only get better right?? Well let's hope. I want to be financially stable enough in my life, single and married, to be able to go on a mission.


Nancy said...

You are definitely a girl who knows what's up and what's important! I'm sure you're going to be a great success in all those things.

Mike and Adrianne said...

These sound like awesome goals, Katy and I'm glad that you know what you want! I know you will get it.