I have a lot of friends that I wrote down for this day. Pictures of my friends and I... Well I decided to mix it up a bit. Here are the friends that I have been close to for a while or are just getting to get to know them.
First up-
Trace Marriott.
He isn't that much of a Cowboy as he looks, I promise. ;) He is from Salt Lake City. He got his mission call to Argentina and goes into the MTC the beginning of March. I will miss him very much. He has become a great friend who I can tell anything to and I appreciate that. He is the 11th child of 11... Big family... sound familiar?

Next we have....
Joseph Mohrman!
This picture was taken (obviously) at our high school graduation.
He is currently in the Netherlands on a mission. He just got on Monday. I miss him dearly. He was one of those guys that made me feel so much better about myself no matter what. He always encouraged me to do what was right. He was actually the one that told me that I would be married before he got back from his mission. He then would add, "I hope not because you want to go on a mission, and I hope you can." He really has helped me get through a lot of things. We were able to go to the Temple and do baptisms. He did the actual ordinance himself and that was a day I will never forget. I can't wait until he gets back from his mission so we can play again!

My roommates!
Tiffany Yeates and Deanna Cardwell
This picture was taken during Halloween weekend. So much fun!
When I moved to Provo I had no idea what was going to go down between me and my two roommates. We never had met each other before but we clicked with in the first day! We have many many inside jokes and I love it! I will never forget these girls.They have been amazing.

Spencer Kearl Ericksen
This picture was of us during the 4th of July weekend.
Yes we used to date and things were hard after we had to break up but we are at a place where we are great friends. He makes me laugh all of the time just by saying little things. His friendship is more important to me than anything that we had when we were dating. I think he is a great guy. He is a percussionist and down at Snow College on a scholarship. So yeah, I am glad we are friends now.

Sarah Clark
This picture was taken in Seattle outside of the Museum of Flight. We were on Choir tour (junior year for me) and we were messing around with the bust.
What to say about this girl?! Sarah is a doll. She has helped me through so much. I have had a lot of things go down and she was there to help me every time. When Ammon (my brother) was going through all of the surgeries I had a really hard day where I just completely broke down and she was there to help me. I really appreciate her and all that she has done for me.

Rachel Ranae Fitzgerald
This is one of her Senior pictures. Beautiful right?
Practically my sister. We are best friends. Funny memories at dance. We have danced together since 2005 and loved it every minute of it! She wants to come to BYU as well. I am behind her 100% no matter where she wants to go. Though.... I hope she gets in because then we would be dancing together at college. She also wants to do stuff with a dancing degree. I am proud of her no matter what happens.

Jessica Purdy
This picture was taken at dance one day. I couldn't dance because of my walking boot and we just were having fun before class even started.
My Broken Ballerina. She is the other girl at Lifehouse that always got hurt. She is a beautiful dancer and I miss her guts! She is a Freshman in High School right now. haha Jessica. We have many inside jokes..... ex: I just kicked a box of babies. She is a sister of mine, not just some friend to add to the list.

Matt Doane
This was taken on Matt's phone. We had gone around making chalk drawings all over Wyview for FHE and we got each others faces with the chalk. That was fun. Very fun. you probably can't even tell that we are COVERED in chalk. I would not have missed this night for the world.
He is my home teacher and is in my FHE group as well. I feel like I can tell him anything. We go on walks all of the time. It is nice. I can just be open with him about anything. I cherish that in a person. He is hilarious! I don't know what I would do with out him as a friend.

Jerika Hiatt
My other Broken Ballerina. She is the one with the rib sticking out... it is called her Ezma (from Emperors New Groove) boob. Think about it.... it makes sense. I didn't come up with it either -some one else did.
Jerika is just like Jessica. We have inside jokes, we play, we laugh, we cry, we get hurt. haha She is a Sophomore in High School at Payson High (See, proof that Payson does have some good haha j/k ;D ) and is on the Dance Company there. I am proud of her accomplishments and hope for her to keep succeeding in everything she does. She is a sister not just a friend.

Celeste Lee
This picture was taken on our way to our competition in Branson, MO our Sophomore year.
15 years. Enough said. I don't know what else I would say besides that. We grew up dancing together and are now both in the dance majors at BYU. I am at Provo and she is at Idaho unfortunately... :( I am happy for her though, BYU-I is a good school and it is where she needed to be. I miss her very much.

Blaine Jensen
I don't know where this picture was taken. I just picked a random picture.
He is a kid I have gotten to know very very well, and I am so glad! He is from New York. He is in my FHE group. He is just such a great guy. He knows what is right. It is hard some days to accept things as they are and he helps me see that it is okay and that things are going to get better.

Ben Cowley
Yes I know there are three of us in this picture. I needed one of Ben so I picked this one. It is pretty much my favorite picture. This was taken at the Senior Dinner Dance we had last year.
Ben.... OH Ben! What to say about him. He became one of my best friends my Senior of High School. He was there for me when others were not. He is a good guy and wants to help others. He is brilliant! He is an amazing tenor. He goes to Snow College on a scholarship just like Spencer. He is there for a lot of things on a scholarship. Jealous. Very much. Love him to death!

McKenna Meservy and Adrienne Clark
They took this picture themselves... it explains so much.
They are my sisters as well. I miss dancing and goofing off with them. They have helped me get to where I am as a dancer right now. They have encouraged me so much to succeed. I can see them both having good futures in dance - actually in anything they ever do. They have the most determined minds. They can't be moved when they set their minds on something.

Lexi Brown
Lexi has been with me since second grade. I am so lucky to have her. We always play when she is up in town. She goes to Snow College and is down there on a scholarship for singing. I am so happy for her to be down there. I love singing with her and just being around her. I am excited to go and spend the day at Snow this coming week and then spending my birthday with her. Thank you for always being there Lexi.

Those are just a handful of some of my closest friends that came to my head. Don't worry, if you aren't on the list, I promise I love you! Don't hate me. ;)